Screenreaders & Firearm Safety

If you have not already figured out that the writer of this blog is blind, I guess you’re in for a surprise.
The next question you may be asking is, how does a blind person use technology?
Follow the link below to learn about what a screenreader is and how accessible technology assists the blind and visually impaired.

Back to firearm safety…
So I have not been blind my whole life, at the time of this writing it has been 10 years. Unfortunately, I lost my sight during military operations in the Middle East in 2008. The military training I attended truly stressed weapon safety and the battlefield experience provided even more perspective on this subject of safety. I want to ensure my fans understand that safety is imperative whether blind or sighted. Follow the below link to be reminded of how to be safe when handling firearms. A special thanks to the National Shooting Sports Foundation for creating this safety video.