Inventive Mind: technology to help the blind and visually impaired in unfamiliar places

Steve discusses and explains a new piece of technology he thought of and how it could change the future of things. If you have any questions about the show or any concerns feel free to write by visiting the index page and fill out the contact form.

ASPS acoustic spatial positioning system

Detailed description:

The ASPS system would provide spatial awareness to the blind and visually impaired population. The system would incorporate a mobile device, mobile application and hardware device that would be installed in different rooms & spaces.

Example of how the Technology would be used:

Imagine a blind person stepping out of a taxi. The individual would launch an application on their phone and walk into a building. As they walked into a building, the application would trigger the hardware device implanted in the first room approached. The hardware device embedded in the room sensing that a blind/visually impaired person with a mobile device has entered, would then emit a sound/frequency pattern. The mobile application on the mobile device would then interpret the sound/frequency pattern and provide a location name. The built-in text to speech, or screen reader would read the location label name allowed for the blind/visually impaired person.