Sorry for the radio silence

Hey everyone,

I know it’s been a long time and I apologize for this, but I have been working on some new projects that will be part of the Baskis 360 experience. My focus has also been on trying to better understand audio and video recording, so I can produce and create high-quality content for all of you fans. So if you’re patient and you allow me Time to grow and learn you will be able to consume the following media:

  • from time to time I plan on doing a very short segment called inventive mind. The segment will be primarily on the Baskis 360 YouTube channel at this point and will involve deep thought end creative ideas for the future. Please remember that this segment Inventive Mind, Will be primarily focused on getting you to think about science, technology and dreaming about new inventions. I will not be talking about the specifics and details most of the time, but conveying quick thoughts and dreams about what the future could be.
  • Another piece of media that I want to create, is a more produced and well thought out show. The show will be released occasionally throughout the year exclusively as a podcast and will have a more defined focus.
  • Finally, I will be continuing my longform conversation interviews remotely or in person in my studio. Please if you have anybody in mind, send them my way. Provide them with this link:

Here are some important links:

  • Follow this link to navigate to the official website for the Baskis 360 show:
  • Follow this link to listen to my podcast xclusively on the Apple platform:
  • You can find the podcast on your favorite platform/Pod catcher, just type “Baskis 360” in the search field and hit go.
  • If you have questions, concerns or ideas on how I can improve the show and the web content navigate here:
  •  And navigate to the contact form that is located lower on the website page.