Smart home tech and thoughts about universal access

I love my #SmartHomeTech from the companies Apple, Amazon,Kwikset, Lutron, Rainbird, Ring, LiftMaster & Honeywell. I control all my lights, doors, sprinkler system, cameras & alarm systems and thermostats all from my Apple Watch and phone using #Apple Accessibility. I am Blind 😎.

We all grow old and will have problems with our mind and body, so why isn’t universal access/accessibility a bigger consideration for most companies. Society needs to pay more close attention to the uniquely able-bodied, hint: “Disabled”. Designing for all abilities helps everybody live a better life.

I can remember very well being sighted and my body 100% functional, I was on my own journey, my own path and did not think too much about disability or problems with accessibility. I am now disabled by societal standards and it’s an every day fight and struggle to be heard or recognized.

Companies should believe in incorporating Universal Access/Accessibility into their business model and not sidestepping it. Ignoring access will just cost the company more when they have to come back and integrate it into their product. So please everyone try to encourage companies to make their products more universally accessible to all. Trust me it will help a company sell more products and foster true allegiance from customers who purchase their products.